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World Social Justice Day 2016 - A Just Transition - environmentally sustainable economies and societies

Common category: Author : Saravanan
Posted On : 2016-02-20 12:14:42
Today Feb 20th is celebrated as "World Social Justice Day" .This year we are celebrating with the theme "A Just Transition - environmentally sustainable economies and societies " Now we are living in a consumer centric  business world that do not consider about any ecological imbalance. Day by day our health of our environment ecology is falling only due to human profit centric business activities. There is only one earth is there to live and it's our to protect and nourish it to our future generation

So we should humongous turn  "Anthropocene era" .We are desperately in need of a new economy that has its centric thoughts towards geology and social justice. Because social justice is the only way to live with peace and prosper coexistence. As Mahatma say's "Be The Change That You Wish To See In The World " I request all of you to do the best you can to safeguard social justice

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