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Marc Feldmann Canada Gairdner International Award Awarded In 2014

Marc Feldmann

Marc Feldmann

Award Name : Canada Gairdner International Award

Year of Award : 2014

Award for : Medical

Location : London, England, United Kingdom


Sir Marc Feldmann (born 2 December 1944), is an Australian immunologist, and a professor at the University of Oxford.After training in medicine and realising that research was the path towards improving therapy, he studied for a PhD in immunology at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute in Melbourne with Prof. Sir Gus Nossal.  There he learnt to optimise immune responses in tissue culture, and also studied potent intercellular mediators, molecules later identified as cytokines, autoimmunity and immuneregulation.He received the Canada Gairdner International Award in 2014 for his discovery of anti-TNF therapy for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.


Marc Feldmann Award Video Video

Canada Gairdner International Award Awardeds
