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Gentry Lee IEEE Simon Ramo Medal Awarded In 2013

Gentry Lee

Gentry Lee

Award Name : IEEE Simon Ramo Medal

Year of Award : 2013

Award for : Science and Engineering

Location : Pasadena, California, United States


Bert Gentry Lee (born 1942) is the chief engineer for the Planetary Flight Systems Directorate at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and also a science fiction writer. He had engineering oversight responsibility for the twin rover missions to Mars that landed in January 2004, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) in 2006, and the Deep Impact and Stardust missions. He was also the chief engineer for the Galileo project from 1977–1988 and director of science analysis and mission planning during the Viking projects.He won IEEE Simon Ramo Medal in 2013.


IEEE Simon Ramo Medal Awardeds
