The school was started in 2000 at Manjummel with classes from LKG to Std IV.The school attained its affiliation from CBSE in 2003. Our school was upgraded to +2 levels in 2009. More than 1250 children are studying here in classes from LKG to STD XII. Our school is the only CBSE affiliated school in Eloor Municipality. Our school motto is “TOGETHER FOR A BETTER WORLD”.
The primary objective of our school is to train out children in self discipline and character development. Each student will be a responsible citizen of country. Our school has a spacious library, computer lab, E-Training class rooms and well equipped science labs (Chemistry, Physics, and Biology).
Our school has 55 well qualified efficient and dedicated experienced teachers. Our co-curricular activities include Quiz Club, Eco-Club, Science Club, Maths Club. Social Science Club, Language Clubs. Our extra Curricular activities are Dance, Karate, Music, instrumental music, Chess, Yoga and band. Our effective functioning would not have been possible without the immense support of our beloved parents. Above all we thank . God for leading and guiding us through the past year.
Contact Person
Kasturba SchoolAddress
Cheranallore Ferry Road, ManjummelPincode
Ernakulam, Kerala, India
Website Phone Numbers
0484 2532124, 0484 2546130