Sinhgad Public School is an English medium school affiliated to CBSE.The school follows CBSE syllabus. The school has Pre-primary (Mini KG, Jr. & Sr. KG), Primary and Secondary Sections (Std. I to IX). The students are taught to think globally, by providing them quality education, emphasizing on academics, sports and cultural development. The students are groomed to excel at various avenues of learning and enhance their perception of human values.
The school building itself is an architectural marvel, built up keeping in mind the comfort of students.
The School firmly believes in ancient Indian Culture and acts for the moulding of students with a national character, with full respect and deep faith for their parents, teachers and the Motherland.
The aims and objectives of the school are to:
Develop good health-habits and buildup basic skills among children, necessary for personal adjustments.
Develop desirable social attitudes and manners to encourage healthy group
•participation and make children sensitive to the rights and privileges of others.
•Help them to develop a cheering attitude and sense of appreciation which will benefit the society.
•Create an awareness about their social responsibilities and train them to be of service at all times in their life.
•Make them realize the value of their freedom and use it judiciously.
•Enable them to understand themselves better and to instill confidence and make them useful in nation building.
•Foster among them a positive attitude towards problem solving in academic situations.
•Encourage them to strive towards excellence in every field, giving due consideration to the welfare and needs of their fellow beings.
•Develop effective communication at all levels within the school community comprising of administrators, staff, students and parents.
Contact Person
Mr. Prakash NavaleAddress
Sinhgad Public School Sholapur-Pune National Highway, Opp. Sholapur University, Kegaon, Maharashtra-413255.Pincode
413255Solapur, Maharashtra, India
Website Phone Numbers
0217-6062011Fax Numbers
0217 2500611